Saint Peter's United Church of Christ

COVID-19 Response
In August 2022, the Centers for Disease Control updated its recommendations for preventive actions we should take to protect ourselves and our community from Covid. Leaders of Saint Peter's monitor Berks County's Covid levels weekly and post our guidelines on the church's front and back doors.
We continue to follow best practices for ventilation and filtration in our sanctuary and encourage you to keep up to date with your Covid shots. If you'd like to check Berks County's Covid level before coming to church or learn where to get a Covid shot, see our Covid information page.
If you were exposed to Covid in the last 10 days, please wear a high-quality mask in our building.
If you have suspected or confirmed Covid, please worship online.
If you’re at high risk for getting very sick, contact your health care provider about preventive measures you should take.
If you were exposed to Covid in the last 10 days, please wear a high-quality mask in our building.
If you have suspected or confirmed Covid, please worship online.
If you’re at high risk for getting very sick, wear a high-quality mask in our building and contact your health care provider about preventive measures you should take.
We ask that everyone wear a mask while in our building.
If you have suspected or confirmed Covid, please worship online.
If you’re at high risk for getting very sick, consider worshiping online until our community’s Covid level is lower.​