Saint Peter's United Church of Christ

Dec 22, 2022
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. —Hebrews 13:2
For over a decade, Saint Peter’s United Church of Christ has participated in the Salvation Army’s angel tree program. We purchase gifts for children from birth through the age of thirteen. The Salvation Army interviews families who’d like gifts for their children to assess the needs of those families. Our angel tree has red tags with the first name, age, and Christmas wishes of eligible children.
In 2022, Saint Peter’s UCC also participated in the Bethany Children’s Home angel tree program. Bethany has a long history in Berks County of serving children and youth aged 10 to 21 who need a safe place to live and supportive care. Currently, over 300 children are served annually through Bethany’s residential, shelter care, and short-term programs. By participating in the Bethany Angel tree program, we help local youth have a wonderful Christmas, create positive memories, and bring smiles to their faces! White angel tags with each recipient’s first name, age, and Christmas wishes hang from the angel tree in our sanctuary.
If you or someone you know would benefit from the services of the Salvation Army in Reading, visit their website at and, for more information about Bethany Children's Home, visit them at
We are blessed to be able to hold these special children and youth in our hearts as we purchase gifts and clothing for them. These programs bring holiday joy to thousands of children and youth during the Christmas season!