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Serving Our Neighbors

Mar 1, 2023

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. —1 John 4:7

Opportunity House shelter is a 24-hour multi-service facility that works to improve the quality of life for people who are in need. Since 1984, they have served the unhoused men, women, veterans, and families in Berks County by providing emergency shelter and an early learning center. Their mission statement: “We empower individuals to improve their lives. We provide security, stability, safety, and community to our clients.” What a wonderful way to help bring about God’s beloved community!

For nearly a decade, a small group from Saint Peter’s partners with members of the former First United Church of Christ to prepare and serve supper to the clients of Opportunity House once a month. We are funded by a grant from the Berks County Community Foundation that was established by the former First United UCC in Reading, and we apply for a new grant annually.

How do our monthly meals work? While we’re serving a meal at Opportunity House, we plan the next month’s meal and follow up later with emailed instructions for our shoppers and cooks. At six o’clock on the evening of the next meal, we arrive on site, tie on our aprons, and complete our final preparations. We serve our clients at seven and leave by eight. Residents of Opportunity House take care of cleanup.

We’re conscious of keeping our volunteers and guests safe—there is a plexiglass shield between the servers and the clients at the serving area; we wear hairnets and plastic gloves, and, when Covid regulations require, face masks.

Opportunity House’s clients are always gracious and grateful for both our food and company. We’re always grateful to be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

If you’d like to join Saint Peter’s in this worthwhile endeavor, please contact the church office. If you or someone you know needs the services that Opportunity House provides, visit their help page at

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