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Mission and Vision Statement

Saint Peter's United Church of Christ is an active family of Christian faith. 


  • We are dedicated to providing spiritual, educational, outreach, and fellowship opportunities for our congregation, our community, and beyond.


  • We welcome all people from all walks of life on their spiritual journeys.


  • We are committed to being God’s servants in the service of others and to sharing the love of God and Jesus Christ.


OUR VISION: To be a beacon of light sharing God’s love with others.

Statement of Purpose

By the grace of Jesus Christ we share the Christian life together, celebrating the diverse ways we hear God's call and seek to be faithful. 


By the grace of Jesus Christ we grow in faith through ancient disciplines: prayer and study, worship and generosity, service and hospitality to all people.


By the grace of Jesus Christ we offer the gift of baptism and the fellowship of the Lord's Supper, celebrating abundant and eternal life.


By the grace of Jesus Christ we embody his love and share the good news.


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