Saint Peter's United Church of Christ

Planning a Visit to Saint Peter's UCC During Covid-19
What should I wear? Anything you like! Some of our members choose relaxed and comfy clothes. Others like to put on their Sunday best. You'll need a mask that covers your nose and mouth. If you prefer a visor, please add a mask when indoors. Do not wear a mask with an exhalation valve. We have disposable masks in our welcome center; just ask for one if you need it.
Where should I park? There’s plenty of parking on Dwight Road and Curtis Road, two quiet residential streets in West Lawn. You may also park in the lot at Wilson High School, which you’ll find across the street from Saint Peter’s.
What about kids? Jesus welcomed the little children and we do, too. Kids make noise, and we consider that a blessing. During the pandemic, we ask that kids stay with their parents for the whole service, and we provide an activity sheet. If you're interested in our email Sunday school lessons, please contact the church office. Just outside the sanctuary, there’s a playroom for babies and young children who need a break from the service. You’ll find a changing table in the all-gender restroom on the sanctuary level.
How long does the service last? Our worship services are shorter during the pandemic, about 20 - 25 minutes.
How will I know what to do during the service? We provide a weekly bulletin that you can follow, and the order of worship is displayed on screens.
Is the church accessible? There are curb cuts on Curtis Road and on the corner of Curtis and Dwight Roads and a ramp that leads to our sanctuary level from Curtis Road. A curb cut on Dwight Road leads to a sidewalk that goes to the community center doors on our lower level. There is an accessible, all-gender restroom on the sanctuary level and two on the lower level. Individual audio headsets; ask an usher for one. Large print versions of weekly bulletin are available in our welcome center.
Can I take communion at Saint Peter's? All who wish to join in communion are welcome.
What if I have questions about faith, religion, and God? We have questions, too! God helps us when we’re honest about our concerns and willing to work together for deeper understanding. Working through the questions makes our church life dynamic and keeps us growing in faith and love.
Is there room for someone like me at Saint Peter’s? Yes! You are welcome to be yourself among us. Diversity of thought and experience is valued at Saint Peter’s. As progressive Christians, we trust that God is still speaking, giving fresh insight to meet contemporary issues. Our faith is 2,000 years old. Our thinking isn’t. If you are not a Christian, we hope that you will hear and see the good news of Jesus at Saint Peter’s and that you will come to a loving relationship with him through his church here. This is a place to meet God through worship, prayer, study, fellowship, and service. It is a privilege for us to share the Christian life with others, offering support, encouragement, and acceptance in the name of Jesus. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We hope you’ll join us in this Christian community.
What are you doing to make it safer indoors? You can read more about that on our Covid-19 response page.